Cookies policy

Personalize cookies





About Cookies
Cookies are a tool used by Web servers to store and retrieve information about their visitors or users. It is nothing more than a text file that some servers install during browsing and which provides information such as: access location, connection time, access device (fixed or mobile), operating system and browser used, most visited pages, number of clicks and data on Internet user behaviour.

They do not provide references that would make it possible to deduce the user’s name and surname and they cannot read data on their hard drive or include viruses on their computers; nor can they read the cookies implanted on the user’s hard drive from other servers.


Why are they important?
The website is accessible without having to activate the cookies, but their deactivation may prevent its proper functioning.
From a technical point of view, cookies allow websites to work more efficiently and adapted to user preferences, such as storing the language, currency of the country or detecting the access device.

They establish levels of protection and security that prevent or hinder cyber-attacks against the website or its users.
They provide media managers access to the statistical data collected to improve the quality and experience of their services.
They help us to optimise the advertising that we show users, offering that best suited to their interests.


Authorisation to use cookies
There is a Cookie Notice that the user or visitor can accept, expressly consenting to the use of cookies as indicated below.
The user can configure their browser to reject all cookies by default or to receive an on-screen notification of the reception of each cookie and decide whether or not to install it on their hard drive.


Browser settings

Lamincer Precision Steel, S.A. reminds its users that the use of cookies may be subject to their acceptance during the installation or update of the browser used by them.

This acceptance may be revoked through the content and privacy configuration options available in the browser. The Owner recommends its users consult the help function of their browser or access the online help pages of the main browsers: Firefox, Internet Explorer, Safari, Chrome.

If you want more information about how to revoke the consent provided or about the procedure to disable cookies, or if you have any questions about the Cookies Policy, you can contact the owner at the following email address indicating “Cookies Policy” in the subject line.



Types of Cookies used on the Website
Any user who browses the Website can find cookies inserted directly by the owner, or cookies inserted by entities other than the owner, as detailed in the following sections:

  • Session cookies: they expire when the user leaves the page or closes the browser, i.e., they are active during the visit to the website and are therefore deleted from your computer after leaving it.
  • Permanent cookies: they expire after they have served their purpose or if they are deleted manually; they have a deletion date and are normally used in the online purchase process, for personalisation or in the registration, so as not to have to constantly enter a password.

Depending on the entity that manages the computer or domain from where the cookies are sent and processes the data obtained, it is possible to distinguish between own and third-party cookies.

  • Own cookies: these are those cookies that are sent to the user’s computer and are managed exclusively by us for the better functioning of the Website. The information we collect is used to improve the quality of our service and your user experience.
  • Third-party cookies: when the user interacts with our Website content, third-party cookies, which are those set by a different domain to our Website, can also be set (for example, by pressing social media buttons or watching videos hosted on another website). We cannot access the data stored in the cookies of other websites when you browse said websites.

Browsing this web portal means that the following types of Cookies may be installed:

PERFORMANCE These cookies are used to improve your browsing experience and optimise the performance of our websites.
They store service settings so you do not have to reconfigure them every time you visit us.
  • Volume settings of video and sound players.
  • Optimal video transmission speeds.</li
  • Stores the purchase made in a “shopping cart” in the E-commerce services.
 GEOLOCATION These cookies are used to store geolocation data of the computer or devices to offer you more appropriate content and services.
REGISTRATION Registration cookies are created when you register or log in to one of our web portals.
  • To access certain areas of our web portals, for example to participate in a competition.
ANALYTICAL These cookies collect information about your browsing experience on our web portals completely anonymously.
  • We can know if the user is a repeat visitor.
  • This information can help us improve browsing and improve the service.
ADVERTISING These cookies collect information about the advertisements shown to each anonymous user on the web portals.
  • Provide advertisements managed through third parties that are displayed on the page in real time.